VB.Net Syntax

Option Base 1

This is not possible in VB.Net.
In .NET all arrays start at zero. In VBA you can use the Option Base 1 to start your arrays from 1 instead.
You will have to make all your indexes zero based
To get the total number of elements use ArrayName.Length
Replace LBound and UBound with GetUpperBound(0) and GetLength(0) - 1
In .NET an array variable is a Reference type


In VB.Net the number inside the bracket represents the index number of the last element.
When isize = 5, there are 6 elements, myArray(0) to myArray(5)

Dim myArray(5) As Long 

Dim isize As Integer = 5
Dim myArray(isize) As Long

You cannot specify a dimension on the array type in VB.Net.
In VB.Net you can use curly brackets and these can come after the type or after the variable
This is very confusing because if you are declaring a fixed-size array then you must put the curly brackets after the variable.

Dim myArray() As Long 
Dim myArray As Long()

In VB.Net it is good practice to include "New" when declaring and initialising an array on one line.
You can only use "New" when initiating with curly brackets.

Dim myArray() As String = New String() {"one","two","three"} 
Dim myArray() As String = {"one","two","three"}
Dim myArray(2) As String = {"one","two","three"} ??

The following 2 lines are identical in VB.NET

Dim myarray() As String 
Dim myarray As String()

The following lines are all allowed

Dim myarray(6) As Integer 
Dim myarray() As Integer = New Integer() {}
Dim myarray() As Integer = {1,2,3,4,5}
Dim myarray() As Integer = New Integer() {1,2,3,4,5}

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