An event is a way of providing notifications.
Events are frequently used for objects to indicate a change of state.
Events are declared as Delegates
Event handlers are Delegates.
In C# there is a line of code that tells the compiler which method to call for which event handler.
This means we can give the handler whatever name we want to
All event handlers in C# are required to take parameters (object sender and EventArgs e).
You can use "-" or "-=" to remove an event handler from an event.
Declaring - Explicitly
Using explicit add and remove methods
You can add an event to a class by using the Event declaration.
This declaration includes the name of the event and the argument is uses.
Adding an event to a class specifies that an object of this class can raise this event.
class ClassName
public delegate void MyNewEvent(string Status);
private event System.EventHandler EventName
add { }
remove { }
Declaring - Field Like
This is a way of declaring both a delegate variable and an event all on a single line.
public event System.EventHandler EventName
is shorthand for
// this is a delegate variable
private System.EventHandler _eventname
//this is the event
public event System.EventHandler EventName
_myevent +- value;
remove { }
_myevent -= value;
Add and Remove Methods
Events are often accessed directly through delegates.
The add method is called from this line
eventName += delegateInstance;
AddHandler object.eventName, AddressOf delegateInstance
The remove method is called from this line
eventname -= delegateInstance;
Run-Time Event Handler
To create an event handler at run-time, create an instance of the System.EventHandler delegate and pass it to the corresponding event method
Button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.myEventHandler);
private void myEventHandler()
The Event is Never Used
To avoid "The event is never used" warning you can explicitly define empty event accessors.
It is common practice to prefix an event handler with "On" and to use Pascal casing
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