There are a couple of ways you can concatenate strings.
string sName;
sName = System.String.Concat("firstname", "lastname");
+ and += (with double quotes)
string sName;
sName = "firstname" + "lastname"
sName = sName + "somethingelse"
sName += "somethingelse
& and &= (with double quotes)
string myString;
myString = "firstname" & "lastname"
This can be used to amend a string to itself plus something else
sName = sName & "something else"
sName &= "something else"
Concatenates all the elements of a string array using a given separator
String.Join(seperator as string,
value() as string) as string
String.Join(seperator as string,
value() as string, _
startindex as Integer, _
count as Integer) as string
Everytime you concatenate a string a new address in memory is allocated
The existing string is copied to a new location with the newly string added
When you use StringBuilder the same position in memory is used
StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var value in mystring)
In VB.Net you can also use the plus (+) sign as a concatenation operator but this should be avoided as it is also used for adding numeric values.
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