Keywords are special words that are reserved.
These keywords are used by the compiler to determine the structure of your code.
These are displayed in ??? by default in the Code window.
These cannot be used for variables or procedure or function names.
VBA > Syntax > Keywords
The asterisk (*) indicates contextual keywords which only exist in certain places
abstract | |
add* | |
alias* | |
and* | |
args* | |
ascending* | |
await* | |
async* | |
as | |
base | |
bool | |
break | (Statement) Ends the execution of the body of an iteration or switch statement |
by* | |
byte | |
case | VB.Net - Case |
catch | VB.Net - Catch |
char | |
checked | |
class | VB.Net - Class |
const | |
continue | |
decimal | |
default | |
delegate | |
descending* | |
do | |
double | |
dynamic* | |
else | |
enum | VB.Net - Enum |
equals* | |
event | |
explicit | |
extern | |
false | VB.Net - False |
file* | |
finally | VB.Net - Finally |
fixed | |
float | |
for | VB.Net - For |
foreach | |
from* | |
get* | |
global* | |
goto | VB.Net - GoTo |
group* | |
if | VB.Net - If |
implicit | |
in | |
init* | |
into* | |
int | |
interface | |
internal | |
is | |
join* | |
let* | |
lock | |
long | |
nameof* | |
namespace | |
new | |
nint* | |
not* | |
notnull* | |
null | |
nunit* | |
object | |
on* | |
operator | |
or* | |
orderby* | |
out | |
override | |
params | |
partial* | |
private | VB.Net - Private |
protected | VB.Net - Protected |
public | VB.Net - Public |
readonly | |
record* | |
remove* | |
ref | |
required* | |
return | |
sbyte | |
scoped* | |
sealed | |
select* | |
set* | |
short | |
sizeof | |
stackalloc | |
static | VB.Net - Static |
string | VB.Net - String |
struct | |
switch | VB.Net - Switch |
this | |
throw | |
true | VB.Net - True |
try | VB.Net - Try |
typeof | |
uint | |
ulong | |
unchecked | |
unmanaged* | |
unsafe | |
ushort | |
using | |
virtual | |
void | |
volatile | |
while | VB.Net - While |
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