
Specifies the type of filter applied.

xlBeforeFilters for all dates before a specified date (31)
xlBeforeOrEqualToFilters for all dates on or before a specified date (32)
xlAfterFilters for all dates after a specified date (33)
xlAfterOrEqualToFilters for all dates on or after a specified date (34)
xlAllDatesInPeriodJanuaryFilters for all dates in January (53)
xlAllDatesInPeriodFebruaryFilters for all dates in February (54)
xlAllDatesInPeriodMarchFilters for all dates in March (55)
xlAllDatesInPeriodAprilFilters for all dates in April (56)
xlAllDatesInPeriodMayFilters for all dates in May (57)
xlAllDatesInPeriodJuneFilters for all dates in June (58)
xlAllDatesInPeriodJulyFilters for all dates in July (59)
xlAllDatesInPeriodAugustFilters for all dates in August (60)
xlAllDatesInPeriodSeptemberFilters for all dates in September (61)
xlAllDatesInPeriodOctoberFilters for all dates in October (62)
xlAllDatesInPeriodNovemberFilters for all dates in November (63)
xlAllDatesInPeriodDecemberFilters for all dates in December (64)
xlAllDatesInPeriodQuarter1Filters for all dates in Quarter1 (49)
xlAllDatesInPeriodQuarter2Filters for all dates in Quarter2 (50)
xlAllDatesInPeriodQuarter3Filters for all dates in Quarter3 (51)
xlAllDatesInPeriodQuarter4Filters for all dates in Quarter 4 (52)
xlBottomCountFilters for the specified number of values from the bottom of a list (2)
xlBottomPercentFilters for the specified percentage of values from the bottom of a list (4)
xlBottomSumSum of the values from the bottom of the list (6)
xlCaptionBeginsWithFilters for all captions beginning with the specified string (17)
xlCaptionContainsFilters for all captions that contain the specified string (21)
xlCaptionDoesNotBeginWithFilters for all captions that do not begin with the specified string (18)
xlCaptionDoesNotContainFilters for all captions that do not contain the specified string (22)
xlCaptionDoesNotEndWithFilters for all captions that do not end with the specified string (20)
xlCaptionDoesNotEqualFilters for all captions that do not match the specified string (16)
xlCaptionEndsWithFilters for all captions that end with the specified string (19)
xlCaptionEqualsFilters for all captions that match the specified string (15)
xlCaptionIsBetweenFilters for all captions that are between a specified range of values (27)
xlCaptionIsGreaterThanFilters for all captions that are greater than the specified value (23)
xlCaptionIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilters for all captions that are greater than or match the specified value (24)
xlCaptionIsLessThanFilters for all captions that are less than the specified value (25)
xlCaptionIsLessThanOrEqualToFilters for all captions that are less than or match the specified value (26)
xlCaptionIsNotBetweenFilters for all captions that are not between a specified range of values (28)
xlDateBetweenFilters for all dates that are between a specified range of dates (32)
xlDateLastMonthFilters for all dates that apply to the previous month (41)
xlDateLastQuarterFilters for all dates that apply to the previous quarter (44)
xlDateLastWeekFilters for all dates that apply to the previous week (38)
xlDateLastYearFilters for all dates that apply to the previous year (47)
xlDateNextMonthFilters for all dates that apply to the next month (39)
xlDateNextQuarterFilters for all dates that apply to the next quarter (42)
xlDateNextWeekFilters for all dates that apply to the next week (36)
xlDateNextYearFilters for all dates that apply to the next year (45)
xlDateThisMonthFilters for all dates that apply to the current month (40)
xlDateThisQuarterFilters for all dates that apply to the current quarter (43)
xlDateThisWeekFilters for all dates that apply to the current week (37)
xlDateThisYearFilters for all dates that apply to the current year (46)
xlDateTodayFilters for all dates that apply to the current date (34)
xlDateTomorrowFilters for all dates that apply to the next day (33)
xlDateYesterdayFilters for all dates that apply to the previous day (35)
xlNotSpecificDateFilters for all dates that do not match a specified date (30)
xlSpecificDateFilters for all dates that match a specified date (29)
xlTopCountFilters for the specified number of values from the top of a list (1)
xlTopPercentFilters for the specified percentage of values from a list (3)
xlTopSumSum of the values from the top of the list (5)
xlValueDoesNotEqualFilters for all values that do not match the specified value (8)
xlValueEqualsFilters for all values that match the specified value (7)
xlValueIsBetweenFilters for all values that are between a specified range of values (13)
xlValueIsGreaterThanFilters for all values that are greater than the specified value (9)
xlValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilters for all values that are greater than or match the specified value (10)
xlValueIsLessThanFilters for all values that are less than the specified value (11)
xlValueIsLessThanOrEqualToFilters for all values that are less than or match the specified value (12)
xlValueIsNotBetweenFilters for all values that are not between a specified range of values (14)
xlYearToDateFilters for all values that are within one year of a specified date (48)

Filters for all dates before a specified date (31)
Filters for all dates on or before a specified date (32)
Filters for all dates after a specified date (33)
Filters for all dates on or after a specified date (34)
Filters for all dates in January (53)
Filters for all dates in February (54)
Filters for all dates in March (55)
Filters for all dates in April (56)
Filters for all dates in May (57)
Filters for all dates in June (58)
Filters for all dates in July (59)
Filters for all dates in August (60)
Filters for all dates in September (61)
Filters for all dates in October (62)
Filters for all dates in November (63)
Filters for all dates in December (64)
Filters for all dates in Quarter1 (49)
Filters for all dates in Quarter2 (50)
Filters for all dates in Quarter3 (51)
Filters for all dates in Quarter 4 (52)
Filters for the specified number of values from the bottom of a list (2)
Filters for the specified percentage of values from the bottom of a list (4)
Sum of the values from the bottom of the list (6)
Filters for all captions beginning with the specified string (17)
Filters for all captions that contain the specified string (21)
Filters for all captions that do not begin with the specified string (18)
Filters for all captions that do not contain the specified string (22)
Filters for all captions that do not end with the specified string (20)
Filters for all captions that do not match the specified string (16)
Filters for all captions that end with the specified string (19)
Filters for all captions that match the specified string (15)
Filters for all captions that are between a specified range of values (27)
Filters for all captions that are greater than the specified value (23)
Filters for all captions that are greater than or match the specified value (24)
Filters for all captions that are less than the specified value (25)
Filters for all captions that are less than or match the specified value (26)
Filters for all captions that are not between a specified range of values (28)
Filters for all dates that are between a specified range of dates (32)
Filters for all dates that apply to the previous month (41)
Filters for all dates that apply to the previous quarter (44)
Filters for all dates that apply to the previous week (38)
Filters for all dates that apply to the previous year (47)
Filters for all dates that apply to the next month (39)
Filters for all dates that apply to the next quarter (42)
Filters for all dates that apply to the next week (36)
Filters for all dates that apply to the next year (45)
Filters for all dates that apply to the current month (40)
Filters for all dates that apply to the current quarter (43)
Filters for all dates that apply to the current week (37)
Filters for all dates that apply to the current year (46)
Filters for all dates that apply to the current date (34)
Filters for all dates that apply to the next day (33)
Filters for all dates that apply to the previous day (35)
Filters for all dates that do not match a specified date (30)
Filters for all dates that match a specified date (29)
Filters for the specified number of values from the top of a list (1)
Filters for the specified percentage of values from a list (3)
Sum of the values from the top of the list (5)
Filters for all values that do not match the specified value (8)
Filters for all values that match the specified value (7)
Filters for all values that are between a specified range of values (13)
Filters for all values that are greater than the specified value (9)
Filters for all values that are greater than or match the specified value (10)
Filters for all values that are less than the specified value (11)
Filters for all values that are less than or match the specified value (12)
Filters for all values that are not between a specified range of values (14)
Filters for all values that are within one year of a specified date (48)

* Added in 2007.

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