Alphabetical - H

HARMEANThe harmonic mean of a data set.
HEX2BINThe number converted from hexadecimal to binary.
HEX2DECThe number converted from hexadecimal to decimal.
HEX2OCTThe number converted from hexadecimal to octal.
HLOOKUP(XLOOKUP) The value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
HOURThe hour as an integer given a date serial number.
HSTACK(2022) New. The array after putting multiple arrays next to each other.
HYPERLINKThe hyperlink linked to a cell, document or webpage.
HYPGEOM.DISTThe probability distribution functon OR the cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution.
HYPGEOMDIST(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).
The harmonic mean of a data set.
The number converted from hexadecimal to binary.
The number converted from hexadecimal to decimal.
The number converted from hexadecimal to octal.
(XLOOKUP) The value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
The hour as an integer given a date serial number.
(2022) New. The array after putting multiple arrays next to each other.
The hyperlink linked to a cell, document or webpage.
The probability distribution functon OR the cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution.
(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).

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