XMATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array [,match_mode] [,search_mode])

Returns the position of a value in a list, table or cell range.

lookup_valueThe value you want to look for.
lookup_arrayThe array of values that contain the value you want to look for.
match_mode(Optional) A number indicating the type of match:
0 (False) = Exact match, lookup_array does not have to be sorted (default)
-1 = Closest match, exact or the next smallest
1 (True) = Closest match, exact match or the next largest
2 = Wildcard character match (? and *)
search_mode(Optional) A number indicating the search mode:
1 = Linear search, from first to last (default)
-1 = Linear search, from last to first
2 = Binary search, lookup_array must be sorted into ascending order
-2 = Binary search, lookup_array must be sorted into descending order

* For an illustrated example refer to the page under Lookup Functions and MATCH vs XMATCH
* This function was added in Excel 2021 to replace the MATCH function.
* This function is not case sensitive when matching text strings.
* This function supports wildcards (? and *).
* Be careful if upgrading from MATCH because the "match_mode" numbers are different, -1 is now 1 and 1 is now -1.
* Wildcard character: ? = a single character.
* Wildcard character: * = multiple characters.
* To include the actual wildcard characters use a tilde prefix (~?), (~*) and (~~).
* If "lookup_value" cannot be found and "match_mode" = 0, then #N/A is returned.
* If "lookup_value" cannot be found and "match_type" = -1, then the next smallest value is returned.
* If "lookup_value" cannot be found and "match_type" = 1, then the next largest value is returned.
* If "lookup_array" is a two-dimensional range and not a single column (or row) reference, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If "match_mode" is left blank, then 0 is used.
* If "match_type" = -1 then "lookup_array" must be sorted into ascending order (-1, 0, 1, a, A, FALSE, TRUE).
* If "match_type" = 1 then "lookup_array" must be sorted into descending order (TRUE, FALSE, A, a, 1, 0, -1).
* If "match_mode" is not 0,1,-1,2,True or False, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If "search_mode" is left blank, then 1 is used.
* You can use the XLOOKUP function to return a value in the same row (or column).
* You can use the VLOOKUP function to return a value in the same row.
* You can use the HLOOKUP function to return a value in the same column.
* You can use the LOOKUP function to return a value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
* You can use the INDEX function to return the intersection of a row and a column.
* You can use the OFFSET function to return a value in an offset position.
* You can use the CHOOSE function to return the value in a list based on an index number.
* You can use the EXACT function to perform a case sensitive match.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to support.microsoft.com
* For the Google documentation refer to support.google.com

1=XMATCH("Cc", B1:B3) = 3Aa
2=XMATCH("Aa", B1:B3) = 1Ab
3=XMATCH("AA", B1:B3) = 1Cc
4=XMATCH(TRUE, EXACT(B1:B3, "AA")) = #N/A 
5=XMATCH("NotFound", B1:B3) = #N/AAb
6=XMATCH("C", B1:B3, -1) = 2Cc
7=XMATCH("C", B5:B7, -1) = 1Aa
8=XMATCH("A", B1:B3, 1) = 1 
9=XMATCH("A", B5:B7, 1) = 3 
10=XMATCH("B*", B1:B3, 2) = #N/A 

1 - Find the position of the value "Cc" in column "B".
2 - Find the position of the value "Aa" in column "B".
3 - Find the position of the value "AA" in column "B". This function is not case sensitive.
4 - Find the position of the value "AA" in column "B" with a case sensitive match. Instead of True you could also use 1.
5 - Find the position of the value "NotFound" in column "B". The default is an exact match.
6 - Find the position of the closest match (or next smallest) to the value "C" in column "B". Next smallest is "Ab".
7 - Find the position of the closest match (or next smallest) to the value "C" in column "B". The list is not sorted.
8 - Find the position of the closest match (or next largest) to the value "A" in column "B". Next largest is "Aa".
9 - Find the position of the closest match (or next largest) to the value "A" in column "B". The list is not sorted.
10 - Find the position of the first match to the value "C*" in column "B". This is the first match.

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