Formatting Toolbar

Removed in 2007
This toolbar contains buttons and drop-down boxes to allow you to format the contents of the cells.

microsoft excel docs

Font - Provides a list of all the available fonts (based on your current printer selection).
Font Size - Lets you adjust the character size (based on your current font selection).
Bold - (Ctrl + B). Toggles bold on the current selection.
Italic - (Ctrl + I). Toggles italics on the current selection.
Underline - (Ctrl + U). Toggles underline on the current selection.
Align Left - Aligns data to the left edge of the cell.
Centre - Aligns data in the middle of the cell.
Align Right - Aligns data to the right edge of the cell.
Merge and Centre - Combines 2 or more adjacent cells to create a single cell.
Currency Style - Applies the currency format "£#,##0.00".
Percent Style - Displays the number as a percentage by applying the format "0%".
Comma Style - Adds a comma and two decimal places to the number by applying the format "#,##0.00".
Increase Decimal - Adds one decimal place from the number.
Decrease Decimal - Removes one decimal place from the number.
Decrease Indent - Decreases the indent by 1 or removes the indent completely.
Increase Indent - Increases the indent by 1.
Borders - Applies a border to the current selection.
Fill Colour - Applies a colour to the background of the current selection. This is actually a tear off toolbar.
Font Colour - Changes the colour of the font of the current selection. This is actually a tear off toolbar.

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