
OperatorsThese include logical operators, bitwise comparison operators as well as pattern matching.
ArraysThese are used for creating, analysing and filtering arrays.
Data TypesThese are used for converting from one data type to another.
Dates & TimesThese are used for entering and calculating dates and times.
Files & DirectoriesThese are used for opening and closing files and directories.
FinancialThese are used for depreciation, accrued interest, annuities and rates of return.
InformationThese are used for identifying different types of values.
Input & OutputThese are used for reading and writing data to and from files.
NumbersThese are used for maths, trigonometry and logarithms.
ObjectsThese are used for loading and unloading ActiveX or OLE objects.
RegistryThese are used for reading, writing and removing values in the registry.
Strings & CharactersThese are used for searching, replacing and manipulating text.
OtherThese are used for all the functions that do not fall into one of the above categories.
These include logical operators, bitwise comparison operators as well as pattern matching.
These are used for creating, analysing and filtering arrays.
Data Types
These are used for converting from one data type to another.
Dates & Times
These are used for entering and calculating dates and times.
Files & Directories
These are used for opening and closing files and directories.
These are used for depreciation, accrued interest, annuities and rates of return.
These are used for identifying different types of values.
Input & Output
These are used for reading and writing data to and from files.
These are used for maths, trigonometry and logarithms.
These are used for loading and unloading ActiveX or OLE objects.
These are used for reading, writing and removing values in the registry.
Strings & Characters
These are used for searching, replacing and manipulating text.
These are used for all the functions that do not fall into one of the above categories.

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