LCASE(string) |
Returns the text string with all characters converted to lowercase (Variant / String). |
string | The text string you want to convert to lowercase (String). |
* If "string" is Null, then Null is returned. * All non letter characters remain unchanged. * You can use the LCASE$ function to return a String data type instead of a Variant data type. * You can use the LTRIM function to return a text string without leading spaces. * You can use the STRCONV function to convert to propercase. * You can use the UCASE function to return a text string with all the characters converted to uppercase. * The equivalent Excel function is Application.WorksheetFunction.LOWER * The equivalent .NET function is Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.LCase * For the Microsoft documentation refer to |
Debug.Print LCase("LOWERCASE") '= "lowercase"
Debug.Print LCase("LowerCase") '= "lowercase"
Debug.Print LCase("lowercase") '= "lowercase"
Debug.Print LCase("123ABC456") '= "123abc456"
Debug.Print LCase("7890") '= "7890"
Dim sResult As String
sResult = LCase("aBcDe")
Debug.Print sResult '= "abcde"
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