New Functions in Microsoft 365

You may not have (or see) all of these because some of them are very new and only available to Office Insiders.

ARRAYTOTEXT(2021) Returns the contents of an array or cell range converted into text.
BYCOL(2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array.
BYROW(2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array.
CHOOSECOLS(2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of columns.
CHOOSEROWS(2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of rows.
DETECTLANGUAGE(2024) Preview. Returns the language code for the text string provided.
DROP(2022) Returns the array without certain rows or columns.
EXPAND(2022) Returns the array expanded or padded to specific dimensions.
FIELDVALUE(2020) Returns the field data from a Stocks or Geography linked data type.
GROUPBY(2023) Preview. Returns the grouping of your data along one axis and aggregates the associated values.
HSTACK(2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays horizontally in sequence.
IMAGE(2022) Returns the image from a web URL.
ISOMITTED(2021) Returns the value True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing.
LAMBDA(2020) Returns the results of a formula added as a named range.
MAKEARRAY(2021) Returns the array calculated by applying a LAMBDA function.
MAP(2021) Returns the array formed by applying a map using a LAMBDA function.
PIVOTBY(2023) Preview. Returns the grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values.
PY(2023) Returns the value or object after running code in a Python Editor.
REDUCE(2021) Returns the total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function.
REGEXEXTRACT(2024) Preview. Returns the characters that match the pattern provided.
REGEXREPLACE(2024) Preview. Returns the text string after replacing characters that match the pattern provided.
REGEXTEST(2024) Preview. Returns the boolean True or False depending if the pattern matches any part of a text string.
SCAN(2021) Returns the array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array.
STOCKHISTORY(2020) Returns the historical data about a financial instrument.
TAKE(2022) Returns the intersection of specific rows and columns in an array.
TEXTAFTER(2022) Returns the characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
TEXTBEFORE(2022) Returns the characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
TEXTSPLIT(2022) Returns the text string split into multiple columns using delimiters.
TOCOL(2022) Returns the array transformed into a single column.
TOROW(2022) Returns the array transformed into a single row.
TRANSLATE(2024) Preview. Returns the text string translated into another language.
TRIMRANGE(2024) Preview. Returns the array after excluding all empty rows and/or columns from the outer edges of a range.
VALUETOTEXT(2021) Returns the text from any specified value.
VSTACK(2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays vertically in sequence.
WRAPCOLS(2022) Returns the array transformed into multiple columns.
WRAPROWS(2022) Returns array transformed into multiple rows.
(2021) Returns the contents of an array or cell range converted into text.
(2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array.
(2021) Returns the results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array.
(2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of columns.
(2022) Returns the array with just a specific number of rows.
(2024) Preview. Returns the language code for the text string provided.
(2022) Returns the array without certain rows or columns.
(2022) Returns the array expanded or padded to specific dimensions.
(2020) Returns the field data from a Stocks or Geography linked data type.
(2023) Preview. Returns the grouping of your data along one axis and aggregates the associated values.
(2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays horizontally in sequence.
(2022) Returns the image from a web URL.
(2021) Returns the value True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing.
(2020) Returns the results of a formula added as a named range.
(2021) Returns the array calculated by applying a LAMBDA function.
(2021) Returns the array formed by applying a map using a LAMBDA function.
(2023) Preview. Returns the grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values.
(2023) Returns the value or object after running code in a Python Editor.
(2021) Returns the total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function.
(2024) Preview. Returns the characters that match the pattern provided.
(2024) Preview. Returns the text string after replacing characters that match the pattern provided.
(2024) Preview. Returns the boolean True or False depending if the pattern matches any part of a text string.
(2021) Returns the array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array.
(2020) Returns the historical data about a financial instrument.
(2022) Returns the intersection of specific rows and columns in an array.
(2022) Returns the characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
(2022) Returns the characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
(2022) Returns the text string split into multiple columns using delimiters.
(2022) Returns the array transformed into a single column.
(2022) Returns the array transformed into a single row.
(2024) Preview. Returns the text string translated into another language.
(2024) Preview. Returns the array after excluding all empty rows and/or columns from the outer edges of a range.
(2021) Returns the text from any specified value.
(2022) Returns the array after combining two arrays vertically in sequence.
(2022) Returns the array transformed into multiple columns.
(2022) Returns array transformed into multiple rows.

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